__all__ = ('get_schema',)
import typing
from genlayer.py.types import Address
import types
import collections.abc
import inspect
import dataclasses
import genlayer.py._internal.reflect as reflect
def _is_public(meth) -> bool:
if meth is None:
return False
return getattr(meth, '__public__', False)
def _is_list(t, permissive: bool) -> bool:
if t is list:
return True
if not permissive:
return False
return issubclass(t, collections.abc.Sequence)
except Exception:
return False
def _is_dict(t, permissive: bool) -> bool:
if t is dict:
return True
if not permissive:
return False
return issubclass(t, collections.abc.Mapping)
except Exception:
return False
def _repr_type(t: typing.Any, permissive: bool) -> typing.Any:
if t is inspect.Signature.empty:
return 'any'
# primitive
if t is None or t is types.NoneType:
return 'null'
if t is bool:
return 'bool'
if t is int:
return 'int'
if t is str:
return 'string'
if t is bytes:
return 'bytes'
if t is Address:
return 'address'
if _is_list(t, permissive):
return 'array'
if _is_dict(t, permissive):
return 'dict'
if t is typing.Any:
return 'any'
ttype = type(t)
if ttype is getattr(typing, '_UnionGenericAlias', None) or ttype is types.UnionType:
return {'$or': [_repr_type(x, permissive) for x in typing.get_args(t)]}
if dataclasses.is_dataclass(t) and isinstance(t, type):
with reflect.context_type(t):
return {
prop_name: _repr_type(prop_value, permissive)
for prop_name, prop_value in typing.get_type_hints(t).items()
origin = typing.get_origin(t)
if origin != None:
args = typing.get_args(t)
if _is_dict(origin, permissive):
assert len(args) == 2
assert (
args[0] is str
), f'dictionary can have only string keys, got {type(args[0])}'
return {'$dict': _repr_type(args[1], permissive)}
if origin is tuple:
if len(args) == 2 and args[1] == ...:
return [{'$rep': _repr_type(args[0], permissive)}]
return [_repr_type(a, permissive) for a in args]
if _is_list(origin, permissive):
assert len(args) == 1
return [{'$rep': _repr_type(args[0], permissive)}]
if origin is typing.Literal:
return 'any' # FIXME
raise TypeError(
f'type is not supported', {'type': t, 'kind': ttype, **reflect.try_get_lineno(t)}
def _escape_dict_prop(prop: str) -> str:
if prop.startswith('$'):
return '$' + prop
return prop
def _get_params(m: types.FunctionType, *, is_ctor: bool) -> dict:
import inspect
signature = inspect.signature(m)
params = []
kwparams = {}
is_first = True
for name, par in signature.parameters.items():
if is_first:
if name != 'self':
raise Exception('missing self')
is_first = False
match str(par.kind):
params.append([name, _repr_type(par.annotation, True)])
kwparams[_escape_dict_prop(name)] = _repr_type(par.annotation, True)
case kind:
raise TypeError(
f'unsupported parameter type {kind} {type(kind)} for `{name}: {par}`'
ret = {
'params': params,
'kwparams': kwparams,
if not is_ctor:
'readonly': getattr(m, '__readonly__', False),
'ret': _repr_type(signature.return_annotation, True),
return ret
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
f"couldn't get schema for method `{m}`", reflect.try_get_lineno(m)
) from e
def _get_ctor(contract: type) -> types.FunctionType:
if not hasattr(contract, '__dict__') or '__init__' not in contract.__dict__:
raise TypeError('__init__ is absent', contract)
ctor = getattr(contract, '__init__')
if not inspect.isfunction(ctor):
raise TypeError('__init__ is not a function', contract, ctor)
if _is_public(ctor):
raise TypeError('__init__ must be private', contract, ctor)
return ctor
def get_schema(contract: type) -> typing.Any:
Uses python type reflections to produce GenVM ABI schema
ctor = _get_ctor(contract)
meths = {
name: meth
for name, meth in sorted(inspect.getmembers(contract))
if inspect.isfunction(meth) and _is_public(meth)
for k in meths:
if k.startswith('__'):
raise TypeError(f'public method names should not start with `__`, `{k}`')
return {
'ctor': _get_params(ctor, is_ctor=True),
'methods': {k: _get_params(v, is_ctor=False) for k, v in meths.items()},